Varied Needs, Consolidated Support

Multiple payment providers. Hundreds of different payment methods and currencies. With most modern technology, payments operations are a complex spider web that are hard to scale. Our 100% cloud-based payments center offers an omni-account solution that can be configured to your unique needs. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for accounts receivable, gig worker, or simple ledger accounts – our multi-currency capabilities and rules-based approach to automated fund movements enables us to meet any business need.

Qolo is changing the payments game.

First Issue

Your diverse client base likely has a broad range of needs and you’d be hard-pressed to find one system that can meet them all. Your competitors might try to pigeonhole clients to fit into the technology, but you know better. You’re looking for technology that can bend to the needs of your clients.

Second Issue

Disjointed legacy systems can make it difficult to serve clients leveraging multiple payment providers and various payment methods and currencies. Doing it at scale is a near impossible feat.

One API. One System. Unified Payments.

Unraveling the complex web of payments in the current landscape is a time-consuming, expensive process. Between aging infrastructures, multiple middlemen, and disconnected solution providers, it’s no wonder fintechs throw up their hands (after emptying their wallets).

Qolo is different. With our platform, you get first-party access to bank and payment rails. Your money flows in and out from one account. Most importantly, you can eliminate disparate systems that stymie risk, reconciliation, and reporting efforts. Qolo gives you a single point of access so risk and fraud, reconciliation, and reporting are unified. No more dueling systems and sources of truth. Just one, simple API for all your payment needs.

  • Consolidate & Unify Payments

    Our omnichannel platform consolidates payment processing and accounts across all channels, simplifying payments technology for you and enabling a seamless experience for your customers.

  • Streamline & Optimize Payments

    Omnichannel accounts eliminate the need to switch between disparate systems. Everything you need is available through one platform, so you can reduce the time and money spent on payments ops and focus on innovation.

  • Get Better Insights

    Get all the payments data you need in one place. This single source of truth can save you time and enable you to create more personalized experiences and make better business decisions.

  • Enjoy Fast Access to Funds

    Stop wasting extra time waiting for funds to clear. Enjoy the simplicity of faster funding through modern payment channels.